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Almacenamiento de ácidos grasos durante el embarazo

Fuente: Lipids 47 (5): 505-517, mayo 2012 Primer autor: Emilio Herrera Centro: Universidad San Pablo CEU, departamento de Biología, Madrid (España)

SINC | 04 junio 2012 09:25

Título: Influence of maternal diet during early pregnancy on the fatty acid profile in the fetus at late pregnancy in rats

Resumen :

The aim of the study was to determine the effects of different dietary fatty acids during the first half of pregnancy on the fatty acid composition of maternal adipose tissue and of maternal and fetal plasma at mid- and late-pregnancy. Pregnant rats received soybean-, olive-, fish-, linseed- or palm-oil diets from conception to day 12 of gestation. Virgin rats receiving the same treatments were studied in parallel. At day 12, some rats were sacrificed and others were returned to the standard diet and studied at day 20. At day 12, the concentrations of most fatty acids in plasma reflected the dietary composition and individual fatty acids in lumbar adipose tissue of pregnant rats correlated with those in the diet. At day 20, the plasma concentration of each fatty acid was higher in pregnant than in both virgin rats and day-12 pregnant rats. The composition in 20-day pregnant (but not in virgin) rats resembled the diet consumed during the first 12 days. Fatty acid concentration in fetal plasma was also influenced by the maternal diet during the first 12 days of pregnancy, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) concentrations correlated with those in the mothers. In conclusion, during the first half of pregnancy maternal adipose tissue stores dietary-derived fatty acids, which are released into blood during late pregnancy enabling LC-PUFA to become available to the fetus.

Autores : Fernandes, F.S.; do Carmo, M.D.T.; Herrera, E.

Direcciones :

1. Universidad Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Nutr Josue de Castro (Brasil)

2. Universidad San Pablo CEU, departamento de Biología, Madrid (España)

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Zona geográfica: Internacional
Fuente: SINC


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