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Adiposidad abdominal en adolescentes españoles

Fuente: Nutrición hospitalaria 27 (3): 731-738, mayo-junio 2012 Primer autor: Moreno, L.A. Centro: Universidad de Zaragoza

SINC | 05 junio 2012 08:25

Título: Five year trends on total and abdominal adiposity in Spanish adolescents

Resumen :

Objective: To assess five years trends in total and abdominal fat in Spanish adolescents.

Design: Two cross-sectional studies: adolescents from the city of Zaragoza (Spain) assessed during 2001-2002 and 2006-2007.

Subjects: 399 adolescents in 2001-02 and 392 adolescents in 2006-07.

Main outcome measurements: Socio-economic status was assessed using the education level of both parents. A complete anthropometric assessment was performed in both surveys using the same methodology: weight, height, skinfold thickness (biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh and calf) and circumferences (waist and hip). The body mass index (BMI) and the sum of 6 skinfold thicknesses were calculated. Body fat percentage (BF%) was also calculated by the formulas described by Slaughter et al.

Results: After adjusting for age and pubertal status, only females showed a significantly decrease in weight, BMI and waist circumference, and a significant increase in the sum of 6 skinfolds (all P < 0.05 and Cohen's d >= 0.25) in 2006-2007, when compared to values obtained in 2001-2002. Males did not show any significant change between the two surveys. Concerning centile values, a slight general reduction was observed in weight, BMI and waist circumference for both males and females. On the contrary, the sum of 6 skinfolds and the BF% were higher in 2006-2007 than in 2001-2002.

Conclusion: According to these results, there might be a levelling-off in the trends of BMI, BF% and waist circumference in male adolescents from Zaragoza. In females, despite a trend towards higher body fat mass, there was a trend towards lower BMI and waist circumference values.

Autores : Moreno, L..A.; Moliner-Urdiales, D.; Ruiz, J.R.; Mesana, M.I.; Vicente-Rodriguez, G.; Rodriguez, G.; Fleta, J.; Leon, J.F.; Garcia-Fuentes, M.; Castillo, M.J.; Gonzalez-Gross, M.; Marcos, A.; AVENA Study Group; HELENA Study Group

Direcciones :

1. Universidad de Zaragoza, EU Ciencias Salud (España)

2. Universidad de Zaragoza, Growth Exercise Nutr & Dev GENUD Res Grp, (España)

3. Universidad Jaume 1, Dept Educ, (España)

4. Karolinska Institute, Unit Prevent Nutr, Dept Biosci & Nutr (Suecia)

5. Universidad de Granada, Dept Med Physiol, Sch Med (España)

6. Universidad de Zaragoza, Fac Hlth & Sport Sci FCSD (España)

7. Universidad de Zaragoza, Fac Med, Inst Aragones Ciencias Salud (España)

8. Universidad de Cantabria, Dept Pediat (España)

9. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Dept Salud & Rendimiento Humano (España)

10. Spanish Natl Res Council CSIC, Immunonutr Res Grp, Dept Metab & Nutr, Inst Food Sci Technol & Nutr ICTAN (España)

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Zona geográfica: España
Fuente: SINC


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