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Análisis de la capacidad antitumoral del té verde enriquecido con brócoli

Fuente: Food chemistry 132 (3): 1197-1206. Abril de 2012

Primer autor: Raul Dominguez-Perles

Centro: Departamento de Ciencias de la Alimentación y Tecnología, CEBAS, CSIC, Murcia (España)

Título: Analysis of the tumoral cytotoxicity of green tea-infusions enriched with broccoli

Más información sobre:
té verde; antitumoral; cáncer; españa

SINC | 26 abril 2012 13:20

Broccoli has risen as rich in bioactive phytochemicals (glucosinolates and phenolic compounds) closely linked with the reduction of cancer risk. Green tea infusion is a beverage that also contains anticarcinogenic compounds, mainly represented by flavanols. The compounds present in new broccoli-enriched green tea drinks and their potential antitumoral activity in vitro were evaluated. The distinct compounds present in the prepared beverages were identified by HPLC-PAD-ESI-MSn and quantified by HPLC-PAD. Caco-2 and CCD-18Co cell lines were exposed to growing percentages (0.2-5%) of infusions of distinct combinations of plant material. The time-dependent cytotoxicity on the malignant cells was also achieved. Cell death was evaluated by trypan blue dye exclusion and a more efficient specific cytotoxic effect on Caco-2 cells was observed on the cells incubated with the mixture of broccoli and green tea than on cells exposed to control infusions. Broccoli added to green tea resulted in a combination of phytochemicals with antitumoral activity with potential for further developments in mechanistic models and the design of novel foods.

Autores : Dominguez-Perles, R.; Moreno, D.A.; Garcia-Viguera, C.

Direcciones :

Departamento de Ciencias de la Alimentación y Tecnología, CEBAS, CSIC, Murcia (España)

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Zona geográfica: España
Fuente: SINC


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