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Periodistas Instituciones

El futuro de los periódicos en España

Fuente: Profesional de la información 21 (1): 34-42, enero/febrero de 2012 Primer autor: Antonio Baladron-Pazos Centro: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, España)

SINC | 17 abril 2012 08:48

Título : Future of communication journals in Spain

Resumen : The results of a qualitative investigation carried out between November 2010 and February 2011, on the future of the scientific journals specializing in media and communication in Spain are summarized. The research methodology used was the Delphi method based on the answers provided by the editors of the most important journals in this field. The main purpose was to provide a descriptive analysis of the current situation, along with a prospective analysis to attempt to foresee the future development of these publications.

Autores : Baladron-Pazos, A.J.; Correyero-Ruiz, B.

Direcciones :

  1. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, España)
  2. Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Católica San Antonio (Murcia, España)

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Zona geográfica: España
Fuente: SINC


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